
Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Greatest Washington Academy of Women Dentists

Catch me outside of the office at the Greater Washington Academy of Women Dentists, where I will be lecturing on “Beauty Through the Ages” on 9/20/23. Details below:


* Outline recommendations for anti-aging from 20s and onward

* Highlight invasive and non-invasive techniques, the science behind them, and their purpose in anti-aging

* Discuss current trends in beauty and their advantages vs disadvantages

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Non-Surgical Face Lift

A non-surgical face lift equals NO CUTS GIVEN. For this beautiful patient, I did a combination of neurotoxin (Dysport in this case) and hyaluronic acid (dermal fillers) to create a non-surgical lift throughout the entire face. Dysport was placed along her glabella, forehead, crow’s feet, and lower face for a lifting effect. Dermal fillers were carefully placed throughout the under eyes, midface, nasolabial folds, and lower face. Strategic and deliberate placement of injectables in the right hands will allow you to still look like yourself, just more awake and refreshed.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Surgery - Lip Lift

No fillers, no problem. This beautiful B+A just 1 month out shows why this permanent solution is a signature #nazed surgical technique ❤️‍🔥🦋❤️‍🔥 Known as a lip lift, this is a surgical procedure that strategically removes a strip of skin and diminishes or completely removes the need for lip fillers.

Some patients genetically have a longer distance between their nose and mouth, however with aging, the lip loses volume and increases in length. By removing a conservative amount of skin between the nose and the upper lip, not only does the volume of the upper lip increase, but the aesthetic dimensions of the lower face also improves.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

NazX now on Symplast

We are now using this easy, accessible, and HIPAA-Secure platform built by plastic surgeons to give you better peace of mind while sharing personal information and media, appointment reminders, billing, and more. Download the Symplast to your smartphone and link up with us at the Naz Experience.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Positive Thinking

I want to be a part of the people that make meaning, not the thing that’s made. I want to do the imagining, I don’t want to be the idea.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Injectables - Under Eye Filler

And we’re addicted to the #nazed under eye magic 🪄 ! The under eye anatomy is extremely delicate and exact placement of filler is crucial in giving that signature woke #nazed glow. 👁️✨ This B+A shows why under-eye fillers are the top requested injectable at NazX.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee


I learned how to swim in dangerous waters, so now I can float in just about anything.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

InjectabLes - Lip Filler

Bounce with me 💉❤️‍🔥 Subtle lip fillers; stunning results. If a permanent solution is not for you, the right lip filler can help you reach new dimensions and symmetry. A conservative touch will help us find the right volume and shape. Naturally elevated is the #nazed approach, and it looks damn good on you.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Surgery - Bilateral Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

It’s that eyes wide open radiance ✨👁✨ This procedure is now one of the top cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S. Also known as an eyelid lift, this is the removal of extra skin and a conservative amount of fat that accumulates due to aging, gravity, and loss of elasticity. Don’t trust anyone but a board certified Oculofacial plastic surgeon with this procedure—you are working with skin, muscle, and fat in the most aesthetically descriptive part of your face!

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Injectables - Under Eye + Lip Filler

It’s that #nazed under eye and lip filler. A highly targeted and customized approach with dermal fillers placed along the central (and most important 😉) aspect of the face, allowing for rejuvenation of the under eyes. Pair that with damn good definition in those lippies - a conservative touch helps us find the right volume and shape. The naturally elevated approach is the #Nazed approach. LFG!

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

The Naz Journey

We’ve been building for over 2 years to get to this point, but it feels like I’ve been building this my entire life. It hasn’t been an easy process starting and building my own practice and brand. At times it’s left me on the floor, questioning myself. In order to get back up, I had to find the dark spot, heal it, and then move. I worked. I did that over and over again. I’ve been doing that my entire life. In the next few months, #thenazexperience will look and feel different. In its own way, it expresses a portion of my soul’s journey. It’s always been my creative outlet.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Surgery - Lip Lift

No secret sauce, just a signature technique. If a permanent solution isn’t for you, the right lip filler can help you reach new dimensions & symmetry. A seasoned touch will help us find the right volume and shape. Naturally elevated is the #Nazed approach. LFG!

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

DC Luxury Magazine

Best of DC! And I have a feeling the best is yet to come! It’s an absolute honor to celebrate these moments with you, #nazsquad! A big thank you to every single one of you who’s been on this journey with me and thank you @dcmagazine for this incredible feature!

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Stand Tall

You stand a little different when you've earned it all yourself.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Surgery - Lip Lift

Lips naturally lose collagen and elastin, just like the rest of our face and body over time. To create symmetry and fullness, the lip lift shortens the space between the mouth to the nose. In #nazed methodology, we’re refining the permanent cupid bow and replacing the need for constant fillers.

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Justin Mabee Justin Mabee

Injectables - Under eye Filler

This is such a delicate area and a deep understanding of orbital anatomy is imperative not only for superior results but for safety as well…something I can’t emphasize enough. Correct placement is everything and that requires high level training. As a surgeon, I take this stuff very seriously. #Nazsquad knows how we do! LFG

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