Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
A procedure that requires precise removal of the thin and delicate skin along the lower lids in order to remove the excess skin and fat. This also creates a smooth and natural transition between the lower lid and cheek.
Straight fat removal in certain patients without replacement or retention could lead to permanent hollowness requiring further treatment after surgery–which is why it’s imperative to see an oculofacial plastic surgeon!
International Women's Day
Today I celebrate the women in my #nazsquad! The women who surrounded me and stood by me reminding me of who I am! The women who made me feel safe, allowing me to live authentically and without fear. So thank you #nazsquad! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I vow to keep fighting and doing the same for all of you. Change is here! Take it knowing you are surrounded by an army of women willing to take the hits with you. We were built for this. It’s in our blood. It’s a MF REVOLUTION! Stand up and LFG!
Embrace Your Past and Learn to Heal
Yes there’s pain. Yes there’s shame, guilt, fear, regret. It’s dark in there, I know. But there is an inevitable truth. Your past will show up every single day with different masks until you stand up to it. And when you look directly at it, you have a choice. You can either choose to keep running and eventually become it, or you can choose to heal it. That’s free will. Choose wisely. Your soul depends on it.
Seek Understanding from Within
I no longer seek answers from the outside. I seek understanding so that I can give myself the answers.
We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
Lose the Fear
I did it scared for too long. Now I’m working on losing that fear. That means I’m not looking back anymore because standing tall in your power and in your sovereignty requires gratitude and forgiveness of your past.
You Are the Light
Light cannot exist without darkness. And darkness cannot exist without light. Right in the middle is you. Yes, YOU! You must accept all versions of yourself…the past, the future; the good, the bad; the trauma, the successes…all of them. But it’s in the dark, that you have to remember the light; move towards it, surround yourself with it. It’s how you survive it. It’s how you alchemize it.
It requires mental strength, endurance, persistence…but you got that, you acquired it, thanks to the work you put in and continue to put into healing your trauma. You should be proud of yourself. You’ve forgiven yourself. You’ve removed guilt and shame. And during that process, you start to give the darkness gratitude. Weird, how it just happens organically. Now you’re starting to see. You’re in the light because you ARE THE LIGHT. Now don’t go looking for the dark. You don’t need to survive anymore. You get to live now. So stay right here. You’re safe. Finally. The darkness is always there. It’s supposed to be. It’s part of this beautiful chaotic journey called life. It’s how it was always meant to be. Perfect chaos.
Vogue Baltimore Feature
Thank you @voyagebaltimore for recognizing my body of work and for an authentic, refreshing and real conversation.
I’m so proud to be an Oculofacial plastic surgeon. There are only 750 of us in the entire world with this subspecialty training. It’s an honor to be one of the very few Oculofacial plastic surgeons in the world with both pediatric and adult training. Get to know more about my story by reading our feature in Voyage Baltimore by clicking the link in the bio.
I’ve been criticized my entire life, but more recently, by my male colleagues. Men whose egos are bound by an antiquated and patriarchal system. To those men, I hope I continue to make you uncomfortable. You made me uncomfortable for too long. I’m making sure it’s your turn now. You get to live in the Hell you created. I don’t live there anymore. I choose to live amongst Kings. Men who have chosen to leave that system and to stand with me. Men who choose to stand with us! Those are the men that belong in the #nazsquad! Thank you for helping us break free!