End of an Era
5/17/21-11/20/23: An end of era and my last day at our temporary Ashburn office. Dr. George Char is a colleague and friend. 2.5 years ago, him and his office manager, @kayseeface saved me. They welcomed me into their office and created a safe space for me to start re-building myself and my practice, slowly. It took a lot out of me to re-build, but they were always there, ready and willing to help, even if it was a burden to them. They always did it with an open heart.
There are certain people in your life that are truly Angels. They come into your life at your darkest hours, only to share their light with you until you can finally find your own again. Thank you Dr. Char & Kasey for guiding me back to my light. We laughed, we cried, but damn we sure did laugh a lot! I’ll miss our laughs and our collaborative comedic genius! We had the best freakin time in that office! I love you both more than words. You 2 are my family and I will cherish you both in my heart forever and ever! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart!